
- Title
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
- Director
- Kim Henkel
- Cast
- Renee Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Jacks, Joe Stevens
- Length
- 93 min.
- Released
- 1995
There is no reason to watch the Texas Chainsaw sequels except for cinema-obscurists or horror-cultists. 2 is really bad, but has a pre-career-resurrection Dennis Hopper; 3 is really bad but has Ken Foree and Viggo Mortensen. Except for The Next Generation.
Directed by the co-writer of the original, and featuring a pre-stardom Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger, this finds its own niche and inhabits the hell out of it. The original is a great movie on any terms. Two and three are bad on any terms. This is a great piece of exploitation.
Pushing The Next Generation from mediocre rehash to genuinely endearing piece of trash cinema is Matthew McConaughey's performance which is nothing short of brilliant. He takes a stock character so far over the top that it becomes its own twisted sort of art. It is beautiful. And his remote-controlled mechanical leg is the icing on the cake. Joe Stevens as his quote tossing brother also deserves mention.
While this lacks just about everything that made the original great, it succeeds on its own terms, as its own movie.
By the time the Illuminati show up to mete out its own brand of justice, it's damn hard not to love this movie.
- Rating
- 5/8
- Reviewer
- Pat Jackson
- Published